Our Ministries
All people are invited to join in and support our ministries. Contact the person in charge to get started.
Pastoral Care
Reaching out to the homebound, hospitalized, postpartum, and grieving with prayer support, visits, meals, prayer shawls and/or Eucharist. To receive or give care contact Valerie McCarty.
Young people, six years and up, assist at worship services as acolytes. They receive training and fellowship as they take an active role in our corporate worship life. Contact Marla Alpizar for further information. See the Calendar for weekly Acolyte assignments.
The Choir is directed by Juan Saborido and is open to all who want to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Members of the Choir lead congregational singing for Sunday services & for special liturgical services of Christmas, Holy Week, Easter & other major feasts. Contact Juan Saborido.
Altar Guild
Prepare the altar for service. Contact us at [email protected].
Chalice Bearer
Children's Activities
Youth Group
Fellowship for youth ages 10 and up. Members are active in creating new ways to share, to serve, & to go on great outings. Contact Jana Armstrong.
Earth Angels
Outings and other activities that celebrate nature. Contact Mindy McNichols.