The Episcopal Faith
Beliefs & Practices
We base our beliefs and practices on the following sources:
--The Bible, church tradition, and human reason provide compelling truth about God and creation.
--The Baptismal Covenant and Holy Eucharist serve as the cornerstones of our beliefs and worship.
--The Book of Common Prayer provides comprehensive resources for individual, family and community life of prayer, in the context of the liturgical year.
--The Bible, church tradition, and human reason provide compelling truth about God and creation.
--The Baptismal Covenant and Holy Eucharist serve as the cornerstones of our beliefs and worship.
--The Book of Common Prayer provides comprehensive resources for individual, family and community life of prayer, in the context of the liturgical year.
Episcopal Beliefs
By “I believe”, Credo, we mean, “I give my heart.” It is more a life orientation of trust in God and less a set of propositions about God. Giving our hearts to God calls us to trust. God the Creator, we and all creation are the continuing work of a loving God.
God the Son
Jesus is the supreme disclosure of the heart of God. Jesus’ total trust and obedience to God reveals the unconditional trustworthiness of God, who raised Jesus from the dead.
God Dwelling Within Us
We experience the power of the Holy Spirit working in us as we place our trust in Jesus’ promises and follow in his ways in the Church and in company with the followers of Jesus through the centuries.
Jesus: The Way, Truth and Life
Jesus reveals to us what constitutes a whole and authentic life. His radical trust in God and freedom to re-imagine the traditions of his people call us to follow in his way of trust and freedom.
God Known in Manifold Ways
Every person has freedom and responsibility to discern the truth of God for his or her life through engaging the Bible, in conversation with the historic teachings and liturgy of the church, and human reason. We cherish diverse expressions of belief and practice as people grow into abundant and authentic lives in their time and place.
The Bible is Key
The Bible is the most authoritative source of truth. It is the story of God’s creation and God’s people and provides a key for understanding the presence and purposes of God in the midst of nature, history and our personal journeys. Jesus is the lived Word of God.
Episcopal Practices
Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist form and nourish faith. We embrace the Baptismal Covenant and the Holy Eucharist as the foundation for our belief and practice. We participate regularly in the Holy Eucharist, bringing the substance of our lives and the fruits of our labors, offering them to God, and having them incorporated into the Risen Body of Christ. We honor and serve God’s purposes, we seek to name and renounce all forces in and around us that corrupt God’s purposes of love and unity among all people and with creation.
Single-Mindedness & Journey to Wholeness
We put our whole trust in Jesus’ disclosure of the unconditional love and faithfulness of God. We turn to Jesus as the supreme source of understanding and power for living our lives fully and authentically. We promise to persevere, and to repent and return when we fall away from God. Called to witness and serve. We promise by word and example to proclaim our trust in God’s reconciling love.
Spiritual Growth
We promise to strive for justice and peace and to respect the dignity of every human being. We seek to bring values rooted in faith in God to our participation in public life. We promise to seek and serve Christ in every person and to love our neighbors as our selves.
We express our gratitude and trust in God through tithing and supporting works of justice and compassion.
We express our gratitude and trust in God through tithing and supporting works of justice and compassion.
Spiritual Discipline
We offer regular morning and evening prayers. We offer prayers of intercession for all who suffer from violence, illness, grief or abandonment and for all whose lives are closely linked with ours. We offer prayers of thanksgiving for the gift of life and for the myriad blessings bestowed upon us by God. We read and meditate on the Bible regularly. We prepare and participate in the Prayer Book rites for baptism, marriage, confession of sins, and burial of the dead. We observe the prayers and disciplines provided for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. We participate regularly in the offerings of our congregation for Christian formation for children and adults. We seek spiritual friendship and accountability through individual and group reflection on our spiritual journeys.
Compassion & Stewardship
We believe that God is present and active in the whole of creation and that we are called to participate with God through appreciation and care for creation, through the arts, through our daily work, through our relationships with other people and in our own inner lives.
Courtesy of Saint James Episcopal Church, Illinois