All Are Welcome Here
Welcome to Your New Spiritual Home!
All Angels Episcopal Church is a haven from the storms of life, a place to discover your faith, and a beacon of hope and love. We are a close-knit community of the faithful who practice love, acceptance and charity.
All Angels is a friendly, open, and loving community. We are a diverse, inclusive and are very committed to the mission that "all are welcome here". If you are seeking a parish where all are valued as part of God's multifaceted creation, we hope you'll visit us and consider making us your parish home. We have weekly services in English, and Spanish. Every person is welcome to join us in our spiritual journey. We invite you to learn more about our faith and to join us in worship. We welcome you.
All Angels is a friendly, open, and loving community. We are a diverse, inclusive and are very committed to the mission that "all are welcome here". If you are seeking a parish where all are valued as part of God's multifaceted creation, we hope you'll visit us and consider making us your parish home. We have weekly services in English, and Spanish. Every person is welcome to join us in our spiritual journey. We invite you to learn more about our faith and to join us in worship. We welcome you.
"Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning:
Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them".
Sign up for all angels directory
Friday, January 19 and Saturday January 20, 2018. 1pm-8pm sittings.
Bring your pets, sports equip, musical instrument for
a portrait of your lifestyle! Invite friends, extended family,
make it an event!
Friday, January 19 and Saturday 20, 2018. 1pm-8pm sittings.
Register for portraits for our new All Angels Church and Academy Directory. We are excited to tell you that All Angels has partnered with Lifetouch to develop a brand new pictorial parish and school directory. The photography appointments are every 10 minutes from 1pm to 8pm on these two days. IT IS NECESSARY TO PRE-REGISTER FOR YOUR PHOTO SHOOT. Each person or family group who participates will receive one free directory and one free 8 x 10 portrait as well as the option to purchase additional photographs and other services. IIf you are out of town or have a physical reason why you cannot make it to a photography appointment on these dates, please contact Marla Alpizar at 786-208-1370 or Joy Diaz in the Academy office at 305-885-1780 to submit a photo which will be scanned or uploaded and included in the directory. Please contact Marla Alpizar at 786-208-1370 if you can volunteer to assist during the photo shoots. We have volunteer slots on both Friday and Saturday. |
Our Mission
At All Angels, our mission is to obey the great commandment of love, utilizing the catholic traditions of Anglicanism to build a progressive community of people transformed by grace into the image of Christ; equipped to serve all sorts and conditions of people bringing joy, hope, justice, healing, vitality, and compassion to those who are reaching out to the realm of God.
Our Vision
We share a vision of hope here - to build a community of people who are driven by a passion for God and compassion for people.